smoked trout variations
quail on vegetable bulgur
shoat filet on savoy with pumpkin moon and veges
creme brülee with tonka bean ice cream and cinnamon pears
Entrecote on artichokes potatos and pepper sauce
choco variations with home made praliné
We went to a great Wellness Hotel in Warth Austria for 3 days just to relax and enjoy the snow.
It was amazing, right on Top of the mountain! We did lots of snow walks, spa and had amazing food, as you can see:-)
I was wearing:
Snow Outfit: Boots:Airstep//Pants:Adidas Stella Mc Cartney//Jacket: Khujo//glasses:Gucci//hat:accessorize Dinner outfit:Blouse/jacket:Zara//jeans:H&M//shoes:Nelly//bag:Fendi